The Vintage Rosery
Needville, Texas

Unless otherwise noted, all photographs were taken of the roses in our gardens located in Needville, Texas (zone 8b.)

Home > Picking Roses > Names > Slater's Crimson China
Slater's Crimson China

Slater's Crimson China started blooming the same week our Bluebonnets popped out of the ground. March 2004

aka: Belfield Rose
Bengale À Bouquets
Chinese Monthly Rose
Crimson China Rose
La Bengale
Old Crimson China
R. bengalensis (Persoon)
R. chinensis semperflorens (Curtis)
R. diversifolia (Ventenat)
R. indica semperflorens (Curtis)
R. semperflorens (Curtis)
Semperflorens (China)