The Vintage Rosery
Needville, Texas

Unless otherwise noted, all photographs were taken of the roses in our gardens located in Needville, Texas (zone 8b.)

Home > Picking Roses > Names > Madame Driout
Madame Driout
I read that `Madame Driout' could be planted on pillars and trained as a climber, so we planted her on four pillars in the Gertrude Jekyll formal garden. It has been a slow climber, but it still blooms all the time. The blooms are multi-colored pink and carmine. It should be dead-headed regularly as the spent blooms are not very attractive. The fragrance is intense. Canes are supposed to reach 10' in length.

aka: Madame Dréout
Mme. Dréout
Mme. Driout

Bred in 1902 by J. Thirat.