The Vintage Rosery
Needville, Texas

Unless otherwise noted, all photographs were taken of the roses in our gardens located in Needville, Texas (zone 8b.)

Home > Picking Roses > Names > Jaune Desprez
Jaune Desprez
`Jaune Desprez' is much like her sister, `Lamarque'. Jaune is French for yellow, and the blossoms are yellow, flushed with pink. `Jaune Desprez' is not in bloom as often as her sister, but there is a fairly heavy spring and fall bloom. The canes can get to 12', and are easily trained around a pillar or on a sturdy trellis.

aka: Desprez
Desprez à Fleur Jaune
Desprez D'Arcole
French Yellow Noisette
Jean Desprez
New French Yellow
Noisette Desprez

Bred in Yebles, France in 1830 by Jean Desprez.