The Vintage Rosery
Needville, Texas

Unless otherwise noted, all photographs were taken of the roses in our gardens located in Needville, Texas (zone 8b.)

Home > Picking Roses > Names > Clotilde Soupert
Clotilde Soupert

Clotilde Soupert old garden rose. April 2003. The Vintage Rosery.
One of our favorite roses, `Clothilde Soupert' blooms all year long. The flowers are white, with literally a hundred petals, which reminds one of bird feathers. In the spring and fall, a pink cast is noticeable on the cabbagey looking blooms, but in the heat of summer, the blooms are bleached white. In humid weather the buds have a tendency to ball up, but there are so many blooms, constantly being formed, that the few that are ruined are not so noticeable. The compact growth is from 3' to 4'.

Bred by Soupert & Notting in Luxembourg in 1889.

aka: Clothilde Soupert
Madame Hardy du Thé
Madame Merlon du Thé
Mme. Hardy du Thé
Mme. Melon du Thé